Why You Should Meditate


In today's hectic and super-charged world, it is more important than ever to take time out for yourself to unplug and recharge. By now you likely have heard that meditating is good for you but did you know that meditation can literally change your brain in eight weeks with consistent practice? 

We reached out to Suze Yalof Schwartz, CEO/Founder of Unplug Meditation, the world's first drop-in, secular meditation studio, to learn about some of the documented scientific benefits of a regular meditation practice:

  • Reduces blood pressure and improves heart health

  • Reduces overeating

  • Reduces sensitivity to pain

  • Decreases stress and anxiety

  • Increases awareness and improves memory and productivity

  • Helps you sleep better

  • Improves mood and makes you happier

Moreover, you may find that you are more aware of the present moment, that little things do not bother you as much, and you may even get more done.

Ready to experience the benefits? Download the Unplug Meditation app to stream 700+ meditations from 60+ world-renowned instructions. If you're in Los Angeles, be sure to check out one of their classes at their WeHo or Santa Monica studios, both available for booking on FitReserve.


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  • I have been meditating for a few years now and it made me more calm and relaxed during the day and also as you mentioned, less bothered by small things which makes more more productive at work and happier and general. If you haven't started meditating I recommend you do so ASAP. A meditation app like the one stated above can help you get started.

  • Thank you for sharing this. It seems to me that this is a rather interesting way of calming down and I have long wanted to try it, but I don’t know where I should start. Now I understand that this is what I need, but I need a mentor, as it seems to me. Therefore, I would like to clarify about some specific sources where you can get a quick guide to how to start meditating. It seems to me that this is the highest form of accepting and working with what we have in our life. I hope that someday I will come to this and can also calmly relax and not think about the bad things in my life that I can't change.

  • A Sugar Rush játékkal való első találkozásom olyan volt, mint egy édesség boltba lépni gyerekként. A sugar rush slot weiss oldalon találtam rá, és azonnal lenyűgözött a játék színes világa és érdekes mechanikája. Ráadásul minden magyarul van, ami még könnyebbé teszi a játék élvezetét, és olyan, mintha otthon játszanék.

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